Reviewed by Mr. Sushil Bahl, Life Member
Publisher: JAICO BOOKS , Mumbai
Price: INR 200.
It’s about performance, and how to work with influence. A method, to recognise and seize opportunities in today’s times of change. A strategy, to build a great performing team, delivery, and becoming a “wow” with the customers. Innovating, as a leader with an unbeatable mindset — mentally strong and physically tough to lead in your field, and balance your personal life.
It’s a book about the power to show leadership, peak abilities, and transforming life around you. It’s about a good leader who builds other successful leaders. And job titles don’t matter in the process!
In his personal foreword for Indian Readers, Robin Sharma says, the book is about having guts to doing your part, to impact the world and yourself. The old model of leadership is obsolete. The job title or a position to make a difference? You can lead without a title, and yet make a huge difference in your organisation.
He advocates each one of us needs to assume personal responsibility by being the CEO of our own roles and leadership within our positions. We need to lead where we are planted and shine where we now find ourselves.

To be able to do this he recommends his “SEW” (Seriously Exceptional Work) transformational philosophy for work and life that anyone can apply to unleash their “inner leader’’ and experience results. Our “inner leader” is longing to break free, and up to us to reap the rewards. It’s all about doing good work – right where you now are. You don’t need a job title, or titles!
A transformational philosophy that Robin Sharma describes is in four conversations, or chapters, of the book:
1. Rewards for intelligent choices we make in work situation, business or personal. Consciously thought out and created with a series of acts that can be performed and result into positive outcomes. You don’t need a title for this! You have to be alive to the fact, and that you have the power to show leadership in action and performance.
2. Turbulent times (crisis times) build great leaders. Difficult days never last, but strong people always do! Lead from the front, without a title! Adapt. Use different techniques. Get out of your comfort zone. Believe in the fact that for every dream that dies, a better one can come to life.
3. Have deep relations with people. Deeper your relationships the stronger is your leadership. You will get the best out of others, when you give the best of yourself Daily improvements, over time, lead to great results. Change is always hardest at the beginning, but only gets easier over time. Encouraging, caring, coaching – achieving your goals, and of others (team), does not require a title! Being a great person in yourself. A leader, a strategist, conceptualiser, creative, a doer all rolled in one! With clarity and within realities. It’s doing good work, visibly, and not just requiring a job title! Money in this not the only thing that matters. It is great work, results, and growth, that matters.
Robin Sharma, sums up his book saying keep leading, without a title, and spreading the philosophy with everyone you meet. Each one of us is alive today and can make a profound difference in every organisation of any type right across if we accept the call on our lives to awaken the inner leader within us and make everything we touch better than we found it. You become awesome!