

Reviewed by Mr. Sushil Bahl, Life Member


Publisher: Harper Collins Publishers, New Delhi

Price: INR 500.

The book is about building a business when there are no easy and ready answers to things for success, growth and leading a business, and an organisation. There is no formula to follow. It’s a matter of your effort and will power through times, as in any Start-up Management today.

You start with a delightful vision, but soon some things do not go as planned. There are issues to be fixed, and you find yourself in a struggle! You have to see a way out to succeed. Find the strength for it.

The book contains a number of stories, lessons, and suggestions. Practical wisdom in managing things and people in pursuit of a successful entrepreneurship, or a start-up today, from the author who is a much respected and experienced entrepreneur from Silicon Valley. It is considered a most valuable book on Start-up Management – a kind of gospel for start-ups.

The Struggle

The path to success is always a struggle. Life is a struggle. A good way is to take care of people , products and profits in that order! Through tough times with self-dedication and leadership. Things can go wrong, but being a good company is an end in itself.

 Train yourself and your people to build a good company in performance, productivity, quality products and services, and employee relations. The right kind of ambitions, right goals, and the right teams. Do the right things for the right reasons! The right job, with the right skills and right culture!

Starting and building a company is a struggle to build something out of nothing! Like chess requiring moves. Establishing patterns and lessons professionally. Knowing that technology moves, competition moves, markets move. There is always a move to make. The author terms it as a euphoria and a terror. A case for survival!

The People Factor

People always matter. Selecting, motivating and training. Making it a good place to work in.

For a healthy company it is imperative being transparent – in trust and culture. Especially when things fall apart! Get your head on your shoulder, be clear headed, don’t delay, transform your managers to be good managers. Be visible. Be present. Think of the whole company.

The CEO Skill

Being responsible for everything! One of the most difficult skills is the ability to manage your own psychology. And very important in working with peers, managing organisation systems, the 3 Ms, and making them fall into place.

It’s always a lonely job as a founder and at the top, but not to be taken personally. Keep on going. Not pinking out, and not quitting! Taking pains to face it, and dealing with it and where all.

An effective CEO looks at things through different prisms. Has the ability to focus and make better moves! Helps separate facts from perceptions – an ability that serves incredibly well in entrepreneurs and the CEO. It’s the ability to survive and progress!

The Accountability and Creativity Paradox

Nobody cares but you! Accountability in efforts, promises, risks and final results. Creativity and innovation today is new currency! Controlling the accountability and creativity paradox is the first rule to successful entrepreneurship. It is knowing the difference between being mediocre and magical!  Taking a creative risk and holding on to it with clarity, intellectually and emotionally.

To make the company a good place to work. Thus staying great!

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