Leadership Wisdom from the Monk who sold his Ferrari



Leadership Wisdom from the Monk who sold his Ferrari

Reviewed by Mr. Arun Chitlangia, Member


Publisher: JAICO Publishing House

Price: INR 299

We all love stories, but what we need is knowledge! Robin Sharma cleverly blended both of them.

  • As you are glued to the story, subconsciously, you are attending a training session on Leadership Skills.

The title is so catchy. You will wonder why anyone would sell his Ferrari, unless there is a financial pressure. Here is the Robin Sharma signature of spirituality. In a nice way it tells us to live a life of simplicity. You don’t need Ferrari to enjoy life, watching stars can do better.

  • The story revolves around Mr. Franklin.

Right at the beginning you get the shocking news of him getting fired from the job, though highly talented. You are hooked to the story now. There is an interesting flow of success and failure and the character admitting his own flows and weaknesses, especially related to Leadership. You learn out of his mistakes like being arrogant, not paying attention to employees’ emotions etc.

  • The transition from one chapter to another is smooth.

 There are interesting scenarios of drawing attention, Leadership Vision, Future Focus, and Human Relations for success as a leader. In the later part of the book Robin Sharma takes you to the journey of team unity, adaptability, change management, personal effectiveness, creativity and Innovation, and importance of contribution. 


As the book is story based, it’s recommended that you sit with a note pad with you and jot down the points that are relevant to you. At the end of each chapter there is a summary on which you need to ponder twice the time you took to read the chapter.

Every time Mr. Franklin and the guru Julian departs, there is a home work. You too shall take this home work from your real life. If you do so, you will gain more out of this wonderful book.

Robin Sharma talks of the transformation. Change is inevitable, but the transformation is what that is really needed in today’s fast changing world.

  • The Ritual – Link Paycheck to Purpose is absolutely eye opener. Most of us are occupied in increasing salaries and monetary benefits. However, if we create a higher purpose, than we truly enjoy the work and also earn more.

    Ritual 2 – Manage by Mind – Lead by Heart, is having deep meaning for Leaders. Common error of Leaders is to become slave of systems and procedures and forget that the subordinate is a human being having emotions.

     Surprisingly, the Price of the book is very economical and makes it within our easy reach. Read and gift it to others.

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