

Reviewed by Mr. Anirudh Gupta, Member


Publisher: Penguin Portfolio 

Price: Rs. 160

We live in Interesting times. This book  gives us a framework on how to get better at getting better regardless of the location, place or time.

  • Focus on improving every hour

This is my key take away from this book. Many people find it difficult to do so as this is not their way of life. It takes about 21 days to form a habit and 90 days a lifestyle. It is initially difficult, however definitely worth it.

  • Learn the Method

If the method is learnt then it can be replicated. One can adapt to multiple situations using the same. for e.g.: I want to have coffee at 7 pm near my office. What will I do? I may chose to go to the CCD near the office or go near the metro. If I think near the Metro then I have a better chance to find coffee anywhere there is a metro regardless of whether I know there is a ccd or not.

  • Learning for hiring

 It is important to assess whether the candidate is likely to be successful in the organization, whether he/she is a cultural fit and whether the methods of working are relevant.

For eg: Instead of asking what did the candidate achieve, it is important to ask how he/she did it. That will give an idea whether the candidate is a right fit for the organization.


  • Have a Pilot view

Most of us tend to have a domain view. A pilot view helps to put things in perspective.

For eg: Regional managers tend to push issues from a local point of view. When they begin to think nationally  they are able to appeal to a wider audience for their ideas. One way to channelize the thought is “How will my CEO think?”It can help to put the issues in perspective.

  • Learn from the Team

Feedback generally does not come from the team. One need to solicit feedback and understand whether one’s thinking is relevant. As we go up the ladder only the people working with us matter.

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