Reviewed by Mr. Sushil Bahl, Life Member
Publisher: JAICO BOOKS , Mumbai
Price: Rs. 350.
One of Robin Sharma’s current contribution among his famous books helping people all over the world lead great lives, is THE 5 AM CLUB – about owning your early morning, and elevating your life!
Published and launched recently in India, with his presence and good PR and Publicity, in Mumbai and Delhi, the book has been widely circulated and accepted by readers.
As school children we were often told “Early to bed, and early to rise makes you wiser and healthier!” One still remembers this! The lessons in Robin Sharma’s current book are all about this! The 5 AM habit of waking up, and getting to move on for the day! Its about getting people to be a part of a group of like minded persons and to be “5 AM Club.” A morning routine that Robin Sharma claims to help his clients, to maximise their productivity, activity, health, and serenity in today’s age and social and professional lives so full of complexity!
The book is written like a story with experiences of three people – two struggling strangers and a tycoon who becomes their mentor. In the form of a concept and a method teaching this neuroscience based practice to entrepreneurs, CEOs, sportsmen, musicians, stars, members of the royalty to start their mornings to produce astonishing accomplishments in their lives. Making it a habit and a routine to use the quietest hours of day break (5 AM) as time first for exercise, and then self-renewal, thinking and planning for the day ahead. To feel inspired, focussed, and full of drive to get the most out of the day, for personal growth

An opportunity and a responsibility!
Robin Sharma recommends to make the 5 AM getting up a habit, and starting for the day before it all gets so hectic! It helps a person 4 ways — conceptualisation, freedom from distractions, mediating and planning, and strong stacking (scheduling) of things to follow. In calmness of the morning, and leading to better personal productivity.
The habit needs to form into a discipline and mastery over personalisation and remaining in focus of things to follow. He suggests looking at it as an opportunity and responsibility. A trigger, a ritual, and a reward for your personal optimisation!
The 20/20/20 Formula!
The crux of the author’s 5 AM habit, and a Club, or whatever else you like to term it, is based on a 20/20/20 minutes spliting of the your very own and personal ONE HOUR at day break! It is the key to the 5 AM routine and method he suggests in the book. It is about utilising time – to keep yourself improving on a daily basis!

The first 20 minutes to MOVE – exercise! Building in energy, focusing your mind, reducing stress. Living longer!
The second 20 minutes to REFLECT – mediate, contemplate, positively and creatively. For better and stronger performance during the day!
The third 20 minutes to GROW – review and set goals, study (online, and books). Build your knowledge, confidence and gain inspiration towards personal growth!
The 5 AM Formula is to elevate yourself in creativity, productivity, and transit towards opportunities, and achievements. Robin Sharma likes you to master it. Train in it, work on it, in a non-negotiable way. Otherwise it will not work, he says!
Navigating the tides of Life!
This implies dealing with your life yourself. Self-transformation to increase your perceptions of life, and moving forward towards success and growth.
The author suggests a three-step success formula in this dealing with your life:
1. Learning, better awareness, and growing. Being able to implementing and executing better choices!
2. The 5 AM Club option! From stillness, silence, to action. Beta-Alpha-Theta in respect of super charging brain waves!
3. Impact for better performance, and results in what you do!
Understanding and practice of these aspects will lead you to peak your productivity, happiness, helpfulness and feelings of aliveness, according to Robin Sharma
Robin Sharma finally sums up by saying, the 5 AM Club is all about dealing with your life. Your own personal optimisation. As an opportunity, and a responsibility! Each of you has to take a call on your own life. Each of you carries an instinct for excellence within your spirits.
“You need to remember that your excuses are seducers, your fears are liars, and your doubts are thieves!” You, and you alone, can be the Hero of your life!