Reviewed by Mr. Anirudh Gupta, BMA Member
There is a way to do it as per the author of the book. It is called the Entrepreneurial operating system
Who is this useful to?
This is useful to Entrepreneurs who are building their operations. Established businesses which are looking at the next level of success. Businesses who are struggling to get traction and are considering cost cutting actively.
What is Entrepreurial operating system?
Entrepreneurial operating system is a way to develop the business. If followed correctly no number is a limit for Business growth as per the author
Decision making is the key performance driver of an entrepreneur. This system is centered on clarifying roles and delegating authority at an appropriate level.
Visionary, Integrator, Sales/Marketing, Finance Operations
In business there is a role of a Visionary.
A Visionary looks at:
Industry trends
Maps out the future
Looks at concerns of buyers/build the Company Brand at different levels.
Preserves the culture
Generally the founder is the Visionary, the first among equals.

An Integrator – Is the final decision maker in case of conflicting opinions. In an entrepreneurial set up consensus does not generally work and reduces time to market.
He/she Addresses Key day to day business issues
Looks at current infrastructure
Future infrastructure needed to achieve the Business Goals
Aligning of People and strategy- It has 2 parts –The right people in the right seats. If anything is missing the strategy will not work. A key principle is to decide the structure first and people issues later.
The fundamental functions in all businesses are
Sales/Marketing- A sales system needs to cover when the client is likely to pay to reduce dependence of a sales person leaving
Finance – A good practice is to define payment and negotiation terms clearly
The key thing in a good management system is to have an integrated view across the enterprise and see how the functions can contribute to business growth.
The system works on a quarterly and an annual basis.
There are 3 to 7 priorities on a quarterly basis which keep on changing. These are called as rocks.
The way the system works is through ids, Issues, Discussion, Solution.
When the solution is sorted then the rock is removed from the list. If not it stays on the list if it is critical.
This percolates down to a weekly review with key team members for all functions.
This reduces the slippages whether at Sales, operations or payments which are delayed. This builds the foundation for the Annual review which covers
Near term goals
Medium term plans
Investment in capabilities at a company level
The way forward is decided at the annual review.
Overall the EOS is a good system for companies which are setting up themselves for the long haul.