HR Convention, Business Raising a Toast to HR, Digitalisation of HR. The Opportunities for L&D, Analytics, Gamification and gaining insights on employee Behaviour through Predictive Analysis

"The HR Convention - Business Raising a Toast to HR" Is aimed to provide CEOs, CHROs, business heads, HR leaders, practicing managers, consultants and students, ideas about how to leverage human capital. The way we produce, consume, engage, learn, manage, lead, communicate has changed dramatically. The change has wide ranging implications for us in business. […]

Prevention Of Sexual Harassment at Workplace by Ms Smita C Kapoor

Topics to be covered are as under:  Impacts of Unconscious Bias on Work Culture Maximise the Benefits of Counselling for Employees (Panel Discussion) Prevention of  Sexual Harassment Act, 2013 For more details contact: Ms. Supriya Patade on 9082205742 – and Ms. Laxmi Gupta on 7738149513 – Those Interested Please Register    

Develop a 10X Mindset to magnetize Good Health & Wealth! by Dr.Arunaagiri Mudaaliar

Highlights of the Webinar: 85% of Success in life depends on one's Psychology, Mindset & Attitude. There are some proven Success Principles which are learnable & implementable by any human being to magnetize Success in Life. Dr. Arunaagiri Mudaaliar, Master of Mindset Technology and the First Indian Trainer to be certified as a master trainer […]

HR Convention, Business Raising a Toast to HR, The trends in Demographics , Trends in Work patterns Gig and Neo-Gig jobs

"The HR Convention - Business Raising a Toast to HR" Is aimed to provide CEOs, CHROs, business heads, HR leaders, practicing managers, consultants and students, ideas about how to leverage human capital. The way we produce, consume, engage, learn, manage, lead, communicate has changed dramatically. The change has wide ranging implications for us in business. […]

Personal Financial Planning & Wealth Management by Mr Alok Sheopurkar

Prospective Learning from the Webinar: Insights on Achieving Financial Well-being 2. Avenues to create a balanced financial plan 3. Ways to ring-fence your net-worth and continue to grow it through times of crisis 4. Avoiding pitfalls and navigate successfully to avoid losing your hard-earned money Mr. Alok Sheopurkar –  EVP & Head - HR at […]

“Automation- Myth or Reality?” by Mr. Boman Moradian

BRIEF ABOUT THE WEBINAR: Almost everything in our offices and operations have potential to be automated. About 90% of all activities and 64% of manufacturing activities can be automated with current technology. Automation promises several benefits:        safe working        higher levels of output        Improve speed of delivery […]

HR Convention, Business Raising a Toast to HR, What can AI & ML do for HR? How does one ensure that Social biases are not baked into standard Algorithms?

"The HR Convention - Business Raising a Toast to HR" Is aimed to provide CEOs, CHROs, business heads, HR leaders, practicing managers, consultants and students, ideas about how to leverage human capital. The way we produce, consume, engage, learn, manage, lead, communicate has changed dramatically. The change has wide ranging implications for us in business. […]

CSR Activities Post Pandemic: The Way Ahead…. by Mr Nixon Joseph

CSR in India Corporate Social responsibility (CSR) is continuing commitment by businesses to integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations. Changes in the global environment increasingly challenge business around the world to look beyond financial performance, and to integrate social and environmental concerns into their strategic management. Prior to Companies Act 2013, CSR in […]

BRAND-i (1.0) Conscious SELF BRANDING OR getting branded by default by Mr Sanjeev Kotnala

BRIEF ABOUT THE WEBINAR: The BASIC foundation comes from your responsibility to BRANDING YOURSELF. Success in life is not only a result of your skill-talent and performance But also, how you are branded in your ecosystem. And hence, you could work consciously to get the desired branding or let yourself be branded by default- because […]

Rotary Virtual CSR Summit

BMA is supporting Rotary in its initiative. Our BMA President Prof RSS Mani  shall be speaking at the Plenary session on "An effective approach towards CSR." BMA is collaborating with this unique Rotary Event, being organised for the first time on the Virtual Platform to showcase the various project proposals by 55 Rotary Clubs in […]

HR Convention, Business Raising a Toast to HR, reinforcing Value Drivers through HR

"The HR Convention - Business Raising a Toast to HR" Is aimed to provide CEOs, CHROs, business heads, HR leaders, practicing managers, consultants and students, ideas about how to leverage human capital. The way we produce, consume, engage, learn, manage, lead, communicate has changed dramatically. The change has wide ranging implications for us in business. […]

Consumer Behaviour Changing Trends by Mr. Venugopal B.

Consumer Behavior Changing Trends Consumer behavior is the study of how individual customers, groups or organizations select, buy, use, and dispose ideas, goods, and services to satisfy their needs and wants. It refers to the actions of the consumers in the marketplace and the underlying motives for those actions. Marketers expect that by understanding what […]

Understanding Mindfulness by Ms. Rashmi Sharma

About the Webinar: Mindfulness a the process of bringing ones mind to a state of 'moment to moment' awareness of thoughts, feelings, sensations, and milieu, through a gentle, nurturing lens. The technique has its roots in Buddhist philosophy and Indian traditions of meditation and yoga. As a study of psychology, Mindfulness captured the interest of […]

HR Convention, Business Raising a Toast to HR, New Models of Leadership and Followership

"The HR Convention - Business Raising a Toast to HR" Is aimed to provide CEOs, CHROs, business heads, HR leaders, practicing managers, consultants and students, ideas about how to leverage human capital. The way we produce, consume, engage, learn, manage, lead, communicate has changed dramatically. The change has wide ranging implications for us in business. […]

Digitizing Cross-Border Trade Processes using Blockchain Technology by Raji Iyengar

About the Webinar The last couple of months, we have seen blockchain emerging back in conversations with C-suite folks. Especially now that the impact of Covid19 is glaring at us, blockchain is well entrenched in the strategic thinking of organizations across sectors and more so in the global trade world. About the speaker Ms. Raji […]