Reviewed by Mr. Sushil Bahl, Life Member
Publisher: Harper Collins India
Price: INR 250.
Attitude is a choice! Change your attitude and you can change your life, is the core message in the book. Attitudes are a secret power working 24 hours a day, for the good or bad.
A person with a positive attitude always thinks “I CAN!” A person with a negative, or poor attitude, normally thinks “I CAN’T” and projects pessimism! You need to always project positivity to be able to make a breakthrough and succeeding in life.
You need to learn the art of making the first impression, and skills that help you project the right attitude and self image. A positive attitude is a person’s passport to a better today, and tomorrow. Think, act, and talk with enthusiastic attitude and you will attract positive outcomes!

The most important brand you work on is YOU! You are not what you are, but what you think you are (Norman Vincent Peale). Success first begins in the mind – your thinking! Your attitude and strong belief to shape your own future. Next is what you say or speak – your words! Words, or speech, which project positive attitude. Words that indicate your goals and your desire to achieve them. Followed by your actions! Your body language, and your past contributions and achievements. Steps you are taking to do better still and grow in life.
You need to have the ability to transform your life and reach new heights of success and fulfilment. Whether you attitude is negative or positive, or somewhere in between, the book shows you how to take control of your attitude and life to make capital of your potential! It is indeed worth a read!
It offers the reader 12 lessons to help energise oneself and begin to see new possibilities, and action to develop your talent and achieve extraordinary results in life by a change in your attitude!

A right attitude is a person’s passport to a better tomorrow. Your attitude is the window to the world. You can’t always control circumstances, but you can control your attitude. In this the author gives to the reader 12 succinct lessons:
Success begins in the mind. If you want success start thinking of yourself as a success. A form of auto-suggestion that we have heard about in psychology!
You are a human magnet. You become what you think about! Nurture your mind with great thoughts. Dominant thoughts – expressed as in the Law of Dominant Thought. You can because you think you can! Attitude and action.
Picture your way to success. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Visualisation. Picture your way to success. If you can dream it, you can do it! (Walt Disney).
Make a commitment, and you can move mountains. The magic of commitment is that doors will open for you! With ordinary talent and extraordinary perseverance all things are attainable.
Turn your problems into opportunities. As it is said with no pain, no gain! Or no pressure, no diamonds! Its adversity that often brings out our hidden potential.
Your words blaze a trail. Words are the most powerful drug used by mankind (Rudyard Kipling). Your words are seen as the state of your mind, character, and disposition. Choose your words that point you in the direction of your goals.
Your looks and “how you are” shape and project your attitude. Your response and reactions – even a simple smile. Respond with enthusiasm – make it a habit!
Stop complaining and cribbing! No one wants to hear your problems! Don’t show self pity.
Associate and network with positive people – personally and professionally. Your friends will sketch your vision, or choke your dreams!
Confront your fears and grow. Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood! Running away from your fears is a losing strategy. Move out of your comfort zone, take on challenges, and move ahead.
Get out there and fail! Failure is only the opportunity to intelligently begin again. (Henry Ford). Remain undaunted by failure. Success is going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.
Networking gets results! You can get everything in life you want if you help other people get what they want (Zig Ziglar). Treat others with dignity and respect. Care for others. Serve others. Communicate. Be a good listener. You can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed.
The author sums up the lessons by suggesting that you believe in yourself! Never underestimate your power to change yourself. Have the courage and persistence to follow your dreams. And above all, never, never forget that a positive attitude is your passport to a better tomorrow … Attitude is Everything!