
Age of the Imperfect Leader

Reviewed by CA RSR Murthy, Member


Publisher: Rupa Publications , New Delhi

Price: Rs. 295.

We live in a VUCA world. Handling the VUCA world, requires qualities that go beyond the traditional traits expected of a leader, largely based on the “Command and Control” structures of the industrial World.

Leaders now are expected to be possessing multiple skills and competencies which are not possible to be available in a single individual. Moreover, it is no longer possible to hide the imperfections of a leader due to the speed with which information disseminates in the digital age that we are. Pawan brings out the realities of the present day VUCA World, which will greatly adds value to one’s understanding of today’s times.

He blows the myth of the ideal leader by enumerating the imperfections in many World and Corporate leaders, more to make the point that imperfections do not come in the way of success, provided the purpose is clear. The various examples cited are not only interesting to read (and entertaining at times) but also make the reader knowledgeable on the “Other side “of these famous leaders, which otherwise would remain hidden in the paradigm of the “Perfect leader”. He has successfully demolished the theoretical treatise of leader’s as “Perfect”. Given that nobody is perfect, leadership thrives in an environment of Collaboration, a point Pawan brings out as a practical solution in the “Age of the imperfect leader”.

The story of Tasha Roy to emphasise the value of recognising strengths in a person, as part of his treatise on “Building your strengths” is touching and has an important message to all Corporate Managers.

According to a survey published in July 2019 in India Today magazine, 80% of the firms in India are facing a leadership challenge for a variety of reasons. There is an urgent need to imbibe leadership qualities in all sections of the Society, not only the present and prospective Corporate Managers. This will require a pragmatic understanding of leadership. Pawan’s book will contribute to this pragmatic understanding of leadership.

The book is a highly recommended reading to everyone who is concerned with understanding and practising leadership. Pawan’s simple and lucid style with stories like narrative, quotations and his own incisive analysis makes the book a must read and value for money. 

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